Services We Provide

Welcome to Evelia Care a full-service domiciliary care. The aim of good quality domiciliary care must always be to promote a way of life for service users which permits them to enjoy, to the greatest possible extent, their rights as individual human beings. The following rights are fundamental to our agency’s work.

Service Type

Regulated Activity

Evelia care Limited is registered in respect of Regulated activity:

  • Personal care

Service Type

  • Domiciliary care service (DCC)

Age Groups

We provide this service to the following age clients-

  • Children 4 to12
  • Children 13-17
  • Adults 18-65
  • Adults 65+

Service User Bands

We provide this service to the following clients-

  • Dementia
  • Mental health
  • People with an eating disorder
  • Learning disabilities or autistic spectrum disorder
  • People who misuse drugs or alcohol
  • Sensory impairment
  • Physical disability


For those service users who have been referred through a social services department, the fees will be covered by the local authority. We also provide services to those clients who are receiving funds on a direct payment scheme. In these cases, we do not charge the client any more than the rate we charge social services.

The Organisation’s Care Workers

We recognize that for most service users the most important people in our organisation are the care and support workers with whom service users will have regular contact. We take great care in recruiting, training, and supervising our staff.

The basic and fundamental objective of all Evelia Care staff is to meet the clients’ needs. Evelia Care try to recruit staffs that are local. We always employ friendly, accommodating, caring people and require them to have some degree of working knowledge in the care of vulnerable people.

  • In Case of Emergency Call +44 7888721021

    Please remember we care about your privacy.

  • 241E High Street North, London, E12 6SJ

    Check duty hours of service providers in our timetable.